
I just had to do it...because for soooome unfathomable reason people seem to be unaware of the difference. "Wait..there's a difference?" Uhhh...yeah.So ONCE again I'm forced to play algebra teacher and break it down.
For as long as I can remember the terms "Freak" and "Hoe" have been used interchangeably to describe the same kind of woman. If you're confused let me just direct your attention below to exhibit "A"
Here you will see a dialog between 2 friends where the two words in question are used to describe the same woman.
Tony: Man … did you ever mess with that chic you met at the club last week? She was phat!
Friend: Yeah … I hit her up last week. And you know … we got up …
Tony: Really? Man …
Friend: Yeah man … she was a freak!
Tony: Damn … she was doing some crazy stuff off a random club beat?
Friend: Naw … I mean she let me hit after no time. She seems like she does it at least once a month from talking to her.
Tony: So you mean she a hoe.
Friend: Hoe … freak … whatever.
Tony: *shakes head slowly* Man … they aren’t the same. Don’t you know the difference?
Friend:*puzzled look*
Now don't get it twisted people. A freak CAN be a hoe and vise versa. I just need the difference to be noted. So to help differentiate a little more I decided to look up the definitions for you in the lovely "Book of Ebonics".
A sexually liberal individual. Someone who is willing and eager to try and do all the things that you were told not to do. The type of things involving three people, midgets, toys, and exposure to people in public. She is comfortable with their body and their sexuality and not willing to let their inhibitions stop them. Unlike a hoe can be limited to one sexual partner.
A person of loose sexual nature. They have had a lot of sexual partners … are not very discerning in who they sleep with … and may very well have earned a reputation for their willingness to sleep with someone. They are known as women of a “loose nature.”
Now that we have that we have THAT all cleared up let me go on to say that YES this is a freak blog and YES us Sorors are in fact freaks. But one thing we ARE NOT are hoes, whores, sluts, jump-offs or any other demeaning names given to women. So with that being said...Guys tuck your dicks away and roll your tongues up. Ladies if you fall under the definition of a whore PUH-LEEZE drop all hopes of becoming a sister and vacate this premises.
Sorry folks this post doesn't merit a question :)
Until Sex Time...this is Soror Hoov'mm saying...
Fuck You <3
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