Sunday, June 5, 2011

Layin Down...the law that is :)

      So I thought it would only but make sense to make my second entry about the R&R's of ONF Blog. For those who don't know R&R stands for rules & regulations. Now most of these will probably be more common sense than anything...but then again common sense ain't so common huh? 
      Since most of my blog visitors aren't actually ONF sorors and just women whom are curious about the sorority or men who wonder how many women are actually freaks these rules are more or less directed toward you. So without further delay...drum roll please....

  • R&R #1- PLEASE REFRAIN FROM USING YOUR OR ANYONE ELSE'S REAL NAMES!!there is a reason this is r&r numero uno. The top 2 reasons being that this is a PUBLIC blog and most people have a PUBLIC image to uphold weather it be at school work etc. The second being that I'm sure most of you have spouses and are in relationships I'm sure you're happy with and the stories that will be shared here might just jeopardize such happiness. So while we're on the subject of names...that brings me to...
  • R&R #2- If you are NOT a sister of ONF PUH-LEEEZE refrain from using the prefix "Soror". We sisters find it HIGHLY disrespectful as we have worked hard for our names. Plus you never know...that name might already be in use and if not why not just ask for pledging info?
  • R&R #3- Keep the comments respectful folks. I'm not saying we all have to agree I'm just saying debate respectfully and peacefully. Remember we're all here because nobody else understands lets stick together shall we?
  • R&R #4- PLEASE REFRAIN FROM SHARING PERSONAL CONTACT INFO WITHIN THE COMMENTS!!! (I probably should've put this in with r&r numero uno but eh...) If you really feel you want to get to know somebody fine...but do it in private NOT here. Plus you don't want random people stalking your facebook now do you?
                   *****GOLDEN RULE*****
                            HAVE FUN!
Remember we all have a love that brings us together...So lets keep our freaky lil family together and happy 

Until Sex Time this is Soror Hoov'mm saying Fuck You (in a great mind blowing toe curling way of course)